Saturday, April 13, 2013


Pleasantly surprised.

You guys, I have no soul. I am more of a 'go see something that creeps me out' kind of guy so this 'feel good kind of movie' had close to zero appeal to me.

I was very pleasantly surprised. I had that 'good feeling' come up many times during the movie and I thought overall it was very well done.

Harrison Ford rocked it as the manager. Chadwick Boseman played a very convincing Jackie Robinson also.

3 out of 5

Ok but side note...THE LADIES BEHIND ME WOULD NOT SHUT UP. Some would say it was cute but it was so annoying.

"Oh no Jackie!"

"Oh they are just so mean!"

"Oh that's just great, isn't it?"

Seriously it was so annoying. I will never go to a feel good movie again.

Just kidding it was good.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

GI Joe Retaliation

Best movie ever? Best movie ever.

Now, let's talk about GI Joe Retaliation. I loved it guys. I recommended the first movie to everyone and everyone laughed at me and so goes numero dos. I will recommend this one to you and will appreciate the laughs after you see it and hate it but-- I. Loved. It.

You may notice on the poster above that this movie was supposed to be released on June 29th. Remember how it wasn't? Remember how the world had to wait until freaking MARCH?!

I almost died.

But then I didn't and it I'm still here.

Why I love GI Joe 2: 


The Rock.

Tyra from Friday Night Lights oh my goshhhhh.


Bruce Willis.

Anyone who hates this movie obviously doesn't enjoy life.